
STOPageism Supports New WHO Ageism Campaign

STOPageism Supports New WHO Ageism Campaign.

The World Health Organisation (WHO) has announced the launch of its new Decade of Healthy Ageing initiative today, Thursday 18th March, following the release of their global report on ageism. The new initiative commits to improving the lives of older people globally over the next 10 years and brings together governments, civil society, international agencies, professionals, academia, the media and the private sector to see a collaborative action for change.

As a part of the initiative, the Decade of Health Ageing will provide open access to an online platform. This platform provides a collaborative digital space to support the initiative by providing diverse experiences, expertise, and knowledge about ageing.

STOPageism, an anti-ageism campaign comprised of 50+ partners, is proud to support this new global initiative. We stand behind the World Health Organisation’s Decade of Healthy Ageing initiative and all it will accomplish over the next 10 years to improve the lives of older people globally.

Eugene Marchese, co-founder and director at Guild Living, commented: 

“The WHO’s Decade of Healthy Ageing could not have come at a more critical point. As Britain and the rest of the world take the first few steps on the long road to recovery, we must ensure that we don’t leave our older generations behind. Enhanced transport links, an increased volume of purpose-built housing for older people and adequate access to healthcare will underpin a renewed effort to ensuring older people can remain at the heart of our communities.”

Phil Bayliss, CEO of later living at Legal & General and chairman at Guild Living, commented: 

“The WHO’s Decade of Healthy Ageing could mark a step change for later living in Britain. Over the coming years, the UK could see a surge in the developments designed to reinstate older people in our urban centres, enabling them to live happier, fuller, more independent lives. However, as institutional residential investment grows in popularity, the government must ensure the right policies are in place to encourage this money to invest in purpose-built housing for older people.”

Professor Martin Green OBE, CEO, Care England said:

“As the largest representative body for independent providers of adult social care, Care England supports the WHO’s Decade of Healthy Ageing.  We look forward to our collaborative action helping this vital movement and really making a difference.”

Stephen Burke, Director, United for All Ages commented: 

“Ageism affects people of all ages. It wastes skills, knowledge and experience and it’s bad for our health and well-being. Let’s start conversations between younger and older people across the country about tackling ageism and creating #ABritain4AllAges. We strongly back the WHO’s drive for #AWorld4AllAges.”

Jeremy Porteus, Chief Executive, Housing Learning and Improvement Network said: 

“The Housing LIN is a sophisticated practitioner network dedicated to championing better quality housing and services for an ageing population. We want to see barriers accessing housing dismantled and improvements made to the way we engage older adults to improve the range of locally available housing for healthy living. The lack of adequate choices is a considerable disadvantage and can impact on their quality of life.”

Generations Working Together says: 

“Generations Working Together is supportive of the new healthy aging initiative and is committed to reducing loneliness, isolation and improving the well-being for older people through the promotion of intergenerational connections. It’s vital that we continue breaking down the barriers and stereotypes around age which do so much harm to all generations.”

Connected Living Scotland said:

“Age does not have to define or limit us, but we all have a role to play in ensuring our lives have purpose and connection. We are delighted to see this initiative from the WHO and look forward to working with STOPageism to raise awareness.”

YOURmeds commented: 

“YOURmeds helps people remain independent by putting them back in charge of their medication with the support of their network.  We welcome the WHO’s campaign on healthy ageing and to stop Ageism.”

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